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May 17- 18, 2023
Yucatan, Mexico
Jaguars, once worshipped by the Maya civilization, have shrunk in numbers in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, as a result of hunting, deforestation, and urbanization.
In May 2022, IUCN and Huawei launched the Tech4Nature project at Mexico's Dzilam State Reserve to strengthen the protection of jaguars and other animals in the local ecosystem. The two have set up Al-linked devices that monitor environmental sounds and capture wildlife images.
The event is split in two days. On May 17, we invite you to join a field trip to the Dzilam State Reserve, where we will show you how technology makes biodiversity research easier, rangers safer, and local community live in better harmony with nature. The next day, we will hold panel discussions with government representatives, sustainability and technology experts, and share with you what we learned after observing the jaguars' habitat for one year already.