Emergency Support During a Heavy Rainstorm in Henan, China
From 8 a.m. on July 20 to 6 a.m. on July 21, 2021, a heavy rainstorm struck the central and northern parts of the Henan Province, China, setting new records for rainfall in a single day. The rainstorm caused severe damage to the city of Zhengzhou and surrounding areas. There were large-scale disruptions to power supplies, network equipment rooms were flooded, and optical cables and infrastructure were severely damaged. As a result, a large number of mobile network base stations were no longer functioning. Communication networks in affected areas were disrupted, which made it impossible to make phone calls or access the Internet. Communication disruption also made flood control command more difficult. Restoring communications services was a key priority.
Our network assurance teams in the China Region gathered immediately, initiated our emergency assurance plan, and began to repair networks and provide onsite support. Working with local carriers around the clock for 16 days, we repaired tens of thousands of mobile sites and core equipment rooms, and quickly restored communications services in all affected areas.
During this process, Huawei was aware of many possible EHS risks, including manhole covers on some road sections bursting open or collapsing, electric shocks during emergency repairs, waterlogged buildings collapsing, and the transmission of infectious diseases. We set up an EHS team, specified key safety processes, and provided training to ensure the health and safety of our network assurance teams.
During the disaster relief process, Huawei's professional emergency response plan and efficient organization-wide collaboration helped minimize losses and allowed people in affected areas to quickly get back on track. Our efforts to fulfill our social responsibility won praise from local communities.
Huawei engineers transporting emergency repair equipment in the rain