EHS for Engineering Service Suppliers
Huawei has taken a number of measures to continuously enhance engineering service suppliers' EHS management. We use digital technologies to manage EHS risks; monitor serious risks in real time; use AI to identify EHS rule violations; have automatic warnings triggered by preconfigured risk indicators; and provide videos covering all EHS scenarios.
We encourage our engineering service suppliers worldwide to build and maintain effective EHS management systems and to obtain ISO 45001 certification. To improve suppliers' EHS awareness and skills, Huawei has launched an EHS capability development program. This program helps suppliers to continually improve their own EHS performance by boosting EHS leadership, managing processes more effectively, carrying out their own EHS assessments, and creating EHS incentive programs. As of the end of 2020, the CEOs of more than 2,500 Huawei engineering service suppliers have signed the CSR and EHS commitment letter.
To support the fight against COVID-19, in 2020 Huawei and our partners continued to build networks in affected areas as requested by carriers and governments, to provide essential communication services. Huawei's Guide to Safe Construction and Protection in Affected Areas encourages partners to take effective preventive measures, to work safely, and to reduce the risk of infection by providing clear instructions to staff on how to work before, during, and after construction, and on how to handle emergencies.
EHS training and protective equipment for our engineering service suppliers